.. _ref_commands_register: register ======== Register a charm name in Charmhub. Claim a name for your operator in Charmhub. Once you have registered a name, you can upload charm operator packages for that name and release them for wider consumption. Charmhub operates on the 'principle of least surprise' with regard to naming. A charm with a well-known name should provide the best operator for the microservice most people associate with that name. Charms can be renamed in the Charmhub, but we would nonetheless ask you to use a qualified name, such as `yourname-charmname` if you are in any doubt about your ability to meet that standard. We discuss registrations on Charmhub's Discourse: https://discourse.charmhub.io/c/charm Registration will take you through login if needed. Usage ----- :command:`charmcraft register [options] ` Required -------- ``None`` The name to register in Charmhub. Global options -------------- ``-h`` or ``--help`` Show this help message and exit. ``-q`` or ``--quiet`` Only show warnings and errors, not progress. ``-v`` or ``--verbose`` Show debug information and be more verbose. ``--verbosity`` Set the verbosity level to 'quiet', 'brief', 'verbose', 'debug' or 'trace'. ``-V`` or ``--version`` Show the application version and exit.