
Release a charm or bundle revision in the channel(s) provided.

Charm or bundle revisions are not published for anybody else until you release them in a channel. When you release a revision into a channel, users who deploy the charm or bundle from that channel will get see the new revision as a potential update.

A channel is made up of track/risk/branch with both the track and the branch as optional items, so formally:


Channel risk must be one of stable, candidate, beta or edge. The track defaults to latest and branch has no default.

It is enough just to provide a channel risk, like stable because the track will be assumed to be latest and branch is not required.

Some channel examples:

stable edge 2.0/candidate beta/hotfix-23425 1.3/beta/feature-foo

When releasing a charm, one or more resources can be attached to that release, using the –resource option, indicating in each case the resource name and specific revision. For example, to include the resource thedb revision 4 in the charm release, do:

charmcraft release mycharm –revision=14

–channel=beta –resource=thedb:4

Releasing a revision will take you through login if needed.


charmcraft release [options] <None> <None> <None>



The channel(s) to release to (this option can be indicated multiple times).


The name of charm or bundle.


The revision to release.



The resource(s) to attach to the release, in the <name>:<revision> format (this option can be indicated multiple times).

Global options

-h or --help

Show this help message and exit.

-q or --quiet

Only show warnings and errors, not progress.

-v or --verbose

Show debug information and be more verbose.


Set the verbosity level to ‘quiet’, ‘brief’, ‘verbose’, ‘debug’ or ‘trace’.

-V or --version

Show the application version and exit.