
Run charm tests in different back-ends.

This command will run charm test suites using the spread tool. For further information, see the spread documentation: https://github.com/snapcore/spread


charmcraft test [options] <tasks>



Spread tasks to run, in backend:system:suite/task:variant format. All fields are optional.



Shell into the environment if the build fails.


Just show the list of jobs that would run.


Shell into the environment in lieu of the step to run.


Shell into the environment after the step has run.

Global options

-h or --help

Show this help message and exit.

-q or --quiet

Only show warnings and errors, not progress.

-v or --verbose

Show debug information and be more verbose.


Set the verbosity level to ‘quiet’, ‘brief’, ‘verbose’, ‘debug’ or ‘trace’.

-V or --version

Show the application version and exit.