.. Charmcraft documentation root file Charmcraft ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: tutorial/index howto/index reference/index release-notes/index Charmcraft is a tool designed to simplify the creation, building, and sharing of a :external+juju:ref:`Juju charm `. When you initialise a charm with Charmcraft, you automatically get all the crucial project files, pre-populated with helpful template content. These files are such that they can be packed right away; however, to make them meaningul for the application you are charming, you'll want to customise the YAML and :external+ops:doc:`ops `-powered Python in these files. For certain types of applications (Django, FastAPI, Flask, Go), if you initialise with a suitable Charmcraft extension, things are even easier -- just tweak a few values in the YAML and you get a fully functioning charm. Either way, once you're pleased with what you've got, you can again use Charmcraft to publish your charm on `Charmhub`_. You can create, build, and share a charm any way you want, but with Charmcraft you get state-of-the-art results in record time. If you're a charm author, you *must* use Charmcraft! In this documentation --------------------- .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 .. grid-item-card:: Tutorial :link: tutorial/index :link-type: doc **Start here**: a hands-on introduction to Example Product for new users .. grid-item-card:: How-to guides :link: howto/index :link-type: doc **Step-by-step guides** covering key operations and common tasks .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 :reverse: .. grid-item-card:: Reference :link: reference/index :link-type: doc **Technical information** - specifications, APIs, architecture .. grid-item-card: Explanation :link: explanation/index :link-type: doc **Discussion and clarification** of key topics Project and community --------------------- Charmcraft is a member of the Canonical family. It's an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback. - `Ubuntu Code of Conduct `_. - `Canonical contributor licenses agreement `_. Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`