(write-your-first-kubernetes-charm-for-a-fastapi-app)= # Write your first Kubernetes charm for a FastAPI app **What you'll need:** - A workstation, e.g., a laptop, with amd64 architecture which has sufficient resources to launch a virtual machine with 4 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, and a 50 GB disk - Note that a workstation with arm64 architecture can complete the majority of this tutorial. - Familiarity with Linux - About 90 minutes of free time. **What you'll do:** Create a FastAPI application. Use that to create a rock with `rockcraft`. Use that to create a charm with `charmcraft`. Use that to test-deploy, configure, etc., your Django application on a local Kubernetes cloud, `microk8s`, with `juju`. All of that multiple times, mimicking a real development process. ```{note} **rock** An Ubuntu LTS-based OCI compatible container image designed to meet security, stability, and reliability requirements for cloud-native software. **charm** A package consisting of YAML files + Python code that will automate every aspect of an application's lifecycle so it can be easily orchestrated with Juju. **`juju`** An orchestration engine for charmed applications. ``` ```{important} **Should you get stuck or notice issues:** Please get in touch on [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#12-factor-charms:ubuntu.com) or [Discourse](https://discourse.charmhub.io/). ``` ## Set things up Install Multipass. > See more: [Multipass | How to install Multipass](https://multipass.run/docs/install-multipass) Use Multipass to launch an Ubuntu VM with the name `charm-dev` from the 24.04 blueprint: ```bash multipass launch --cpus 4 --disk 50G --memory 4G --name charm-dev 24.04 ``` Once the VM is up, open a shell into it: ```bash multipass shell charm-dev ``` In order to create the rock, you'll need to install Rockcraft: ```bash sudo snap install rockcraft --channel latest/edge --classic ``` `LXD` will be required for building the rock. Make sure it is installed and initialised: ```bash sudo snap install lxd lxd init --auto ``` In order to create the charm, you'll need to install Charmcraft: ```bash sudo snap install charmcraft --channel latest/edge --classic ``` MicroK8s is required to deploy the FastAPI application on Kubernetes. Install MicroK8s: ```bash sudo snap install microk8s --channel 1.31-strict/stable sudo adduser $USER snap_microk8s newgrp snap_microk8s ``` Wait for MicroK8s to be ready using `sudo microk8s status --wait-ready`. Several MicroK8s add-ons are required for deployment: ```bash sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage # Required to host the OCI image of the FastAPI application sudo microk8s enable registry # Required to expose the FastAPI application sudo microk8s enable ingress ``` > See more: [ingress](https://microk8s.io/docs/ingress) Juju is required to deploy the FastAPI application. Install Juju and bootstrap a development controller: ```bash sudo snap install juju --channel 3.5/stable mkdir -p ~/.local/share juju bootstrap microk8s dev-controller ``` Finally, create a new directory for this tutorial and go inside it: ```bash mkdir fastapi-hello-world cd fastapi-hello-world ``` ```{note} This tutorial requires version `3.0.0` or later of Charmcraft. Check the version of Charmcraft using `charmcraft --version` If you have an older version of Charmcraft installed, use `sudo snap refresh charmcraft --channel latest/edge` to get the latest edge version of Charmcraft. This tutorial requires version `1.5.4` or later of Rockcraft. Check the version of Rockcraft using `rockcraft --version` If you have an older version of Rockcraft installed, use `sudo snap refresh rockcraft --channel latest/edge` to get the latest edge version of Rockcraft. ``` ## Create the FastAPI application Start by creating the "Hello, world" FastAPI application that will be used for this tutorial. Create a `requirements.txt` file, copy the following text into it and then save it: ``` fastapi[standard] ``` In the same directory, copy and save the following into a text file called `app.py`: ```python from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def root(): return {"message": "Hello World"} ``` ## Run the FastAPI application locally Install `python3-venv` and create a virtual environment: ```bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3-venv -y python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Now that we have a virtual environment with all the dependencies, let's run the FastAPI application to verify that it works: ```bash fastapi dev app.py --port 8080 ``` Test the FastAPI application by using `curl` to send a request to the root endpoint. You may need a new terminal for this; if you are using Multipass use `multipass shell charm-dev` to get another terminal: ```bash curl localhost:8080 ``` The FastAPI application should respond with `{"message":"Hello World"}`. The FastAPI application looks good, so we can stop for now using <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd>. ## Pack the FastAPI application into a rock First, we'll need a `rockcraft.yaml` file. Rockcraft will automate its creation and tailoring for a FastAPI application by using the `fastapi-framework` profile: ```bash rockcraft init --profile fastapi-framework ``` The `rockcraft.yaml` file will automatically be created and set the name based on your working directory. Open the file in a text editor and check that the `name` is `fastapi-hello-world`. Ensure that `platforms` includes the architecture of your host. For example, if your host uses the ARM architecture, include `arm64` in `platforms`. ```{note} For this tutorial, we'll use the `name` "fastapi-hello-world" and assume you are on the `amd64` platform. Check the architecture of your system using `dpkg --print-architecture`. Choosing a different name or running on a different platform will influence the names of the files generated by Rockcraft. ``` Pack the rock: ```bash ROCKCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true rockcraft pack ``` ```{note} Depending on your system and network, this step can take a couple of minutes to finish. ``ROCKCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS`` is required whilst the FastAPI extension is experimental. ``` Once Rockcraft has finished packing the FastAPI rock, you'll find a new file in your working directory with the `.rock` extension: ```bash ls *.rock -l ``` ```{note} If you changed the `name` or `version` in `rockcraft.yaml` or are not on an `amd64` platform, the name of the `.rock` file will be different for you. ``` The rock needs to be copied to the MicroK8s registry so that it can be deployed in the Kubernetes cluster: ```bash rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \ oci-archive:fastapi-hello-world_0.1_amd64.rock \ docker://localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.1 ``` > See more: [skopeo](https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man1/skopeo.1.html) ## Create the charm Create a new directory for the charm and go inside it: ```bash mkdir charm cd charm ``` We'll need a `charmcraft.yaml`, `requirements.txt` and source code for the charm. The source code contains the logic required to operate the FastAPI application. Charmcraft will automate the creation of these files by using the `fastapi-framework` profile: ```bash charmcraft init --profile fastapi-framework --name fastapi-hello-world ``` The files will automatically be created in your working directory. The charm depends on several libraries. Download the libraries and pack the charm: ```bash CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true charmcraft fetch-libs CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true charmcraft pack ``` ```{note} Depending on your system and network, this step can take a couple of minutes to finish. ``CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS`` is required whilst the FastAPI extension is experimental. ``` Once Charmcraft has finished packing the charm, you'll find a new file in your working directory with the `.charm` extension: ```bash ls *.charm -l ``` ```{note} If you changed the name in charmcraft.yaml or are not on the amd64 platform, the name of the `.charm` file will be different for you. ``` ## Deploy the FastAPI application A Juju model is needed to deploy the application. Let's create a new model: ```bash juju add-model fastapi-hello-world ``` Now the FastAPI application can be deployed using Juju: ```bash juju deploy ./fastapi-hello-world_amd64.charm fastapi-hello-world \ --resource app-image=localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.1 ``` ```{note} It will take a few minutes to deploy the FastAPI application. You can monitor the progress using `juju status --watch 5s`. Once the status of the App has gone to `active`, you can stop watching using <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd>. > See more: {ref}`juju status <ref_commands_status>` ``` The FastAPI application should now be running. We can monitor the status of the deployment using `juju status` which should be similar to the following output: ``` Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp fastapi-hello-world dev-controller microk8s/localhost 3.5.4 unsupported 13:45:18+10:00 App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Address Exposed Message fastapi-hello-world active 1 fastapi-hello-world 0 no Unit Workload Agent Address Ports Message fastapi-hello-world/0* active idle ``` The deployment is finished when the status shows `active`. Let's expose the application using ingress. Deploy the `nginx-ingress-integrator` charm and integrate it with the FastAPI app: ```bash juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator juju integrate nginx-ingress-integrator fastapi-hello-world ``` The hostname of the app needs to be defined so that it is accessible via the ingress. We will also set the default route to be the root endpoint: ```bash juju config nginx-ingress-integrator \ service-hostname=fastapi-hello-world path-routes=/ ``` Monitor `juju status` until everything has a status of `active`. Use `curl http://fastapi-hello-world --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` to send a request via the ingress. It should return the `{"message":"Hello World"}` greeting. ```{note} The `--resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` option to the `curl` command is a way of resolving the hostname of the request without setting a DNS record. ``` ## Configure the FastAPI application Now let's customise the greeting using a configuration option. We will expect this configuration option to be available in the environment variable `APP_GREETING`. Go back out to the root directory of the project using `cd ..` and copy the following code into `app.py`: ```python import os from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def root(): return {"message": os.getenv("APP_GREETING", "Hello World")} ``` Open `rockcraft.yaml` and update the version to `0.2`. Run `ROCKCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true rockcraft pack` again, then upload the new OCI image to the MicroK8s registry: ```bash rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \ oci-archive:fastapi-hello-world_0.2_amd64.rock \ docker://localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.2 ``` Change back into the charm directory using `cd charm`. The `fastapi-framework` Charmcraft extension supports adding configurations to `charmcraft.yaml` which will be passed as environment variables to the FastAPI application. Add the following to the end of the `charmcraft.yaml` file: ```yaml config: options: greeting: description: | The greeting to be returned by the FastAPI application. default: "Hello, world!" type: string ``` ```{note} Configuration options are automatically capitalised and `-` are replaced by `_`. A `APP_` prefix will also be added to ensure that environment variables are namespaced. ``` Run `CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true charmcraft pack` again. The deployment can now be refreshed to make use of the new code: ```bash juju refresh fastapi-hello-world \ --path=./fastapi-hello-world_amd64.charm \ --resource app-image=localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.2 ``` Wait for `juju status` to show that the App is `active` again. Verify that the new configuration has been added using `juju config fastapi-hello-world | grep -A 6 greeting:` which should show the configuration option. ```{note} The `grep` command extracts a portion of the configuration to make it easier to check whether the configuration option has been added. ``` Running `curl http://fastapi-hello-world --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` shows that the response is still `{"message":"Hello, world!"}` as expected. The greeting can be changed using Juju: ```bash juju config fastapi-hello-world greeting='Hi!' ``` `curl http://fastapi-hello-world --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` now returns the updated `{"message":"Hi!"}` greeting. ```{note} It might take a short time for the configuration to take effect. ``` ## Integrate with a database Now let's keep track of how many visitors your application has received. This will require integration with a database to keep the visitor count. This will require a few changes: * We will need to create a database migration that creates the `visitors` table * We will need to keep track how many times the root endpoint has been called in the database * We will need to add a new endpoint to retrieve the number of visitors from the database The charm created by the `fastapi-framework` extension will execute the `migrate.py` script if it exists. This script should ensure that the database is initialised and ready to be used by the application. We will create a `migrate.py` file containing this logic. Go back out to the tutorial root directory using `cd ..`. Create the `migrate.py` file using a text editor and paste the following code into it: ```python import os import psycopg2 DATABASE_URI = os.environ["POSTGRESQL_DB_CONNECT_STRING"] def migrate(): with psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URI) as conn, conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS visitors ( timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, user_agent TEXT NOT NULL ); """) conn.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": migrate() ``` ```{note} The charm will pass the Database connection string in the `POSTGRESQL_DB_CONNECT_STRING` environment variable once postgres has been integrated with the charm. ``` Open the `rockcraft.yaml` file in a text editor and update the version to `0.3`. To be able to connect to postgresql from the FastAPI app the `psycopg2-binary` dependency needs to be added in `requirements.txt`. The app code also needs to be updated to keep track of the number of visitors and to include a new endpoint to retrieve the number of visitors to the app. Open `app.py` in a text editor and replace its contents with the following code: ```python import datetime import os from typing import Annotated from fastapi import FastAPI, Header import psycopg2 app = FastAPI() DATABASE_URI = os.environ["POSTGRESQL_DB_CONNECT_STRING"] @app.get("/") async def root(user_agent: Annotated[str | None, Header()] = None): with psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URI) as conn, conn.cursor() as cur: timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO visitors (timestamp, user_agent) VALUES (%s, %s)", (timestamp, user_agent) ) conn.commit() return {"message": os.getenv("APP_GREETING", "Hello World")} @app.get("/visitors") async def visitors(): with psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URI) as conn, conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visitors") total_visitors = cur.fetchone()[0] return {"count": total_visitors} ``` Run `ROCKCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true rockcraft pack` and upload the newly created rock to the MicroK8s registry: ```bash rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \ oci-archive:fastapi-hello-world_0.3_amd64.rock \ docker://localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.3 ``` The FastAPI app now requires a database which needs to be declared in the `charmcraft.yaml` file. Go back into the charm directory using `cd charm`. Open `charmcraft.yaml` in a text editor and add the following section to the end: ```yaml requires: postgresql: interface: postgresql_client optional: false ``` Pack the charm using `CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS=true charmcraft pack` and refresh the deployment using Juju: ```bash juju refresh fastapi-hello-world \ --path=./fastapi-hello-world_amd64.charm \ --resource app-image=localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.3 ``` Deploy `postgresql-k8s` using Juju and integrate it with `fastapi-hello-world`: ```bash juju deploy postgresql-k8s --trust juju integrate fastapi-hello-world postgresql-k8s ``` Wait for `juju status` to show that the App is `active` again. `curl http://fastapi-hello-world --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` should still return the `{"message":"Hi!"}` greeting. To check the total visitors, use `curl http://fastapi-hello-world/visitors --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` which should return `{"count":1}` after the previous request to the root endpoint and should be incremented each time the root endpoint is requested. If we perform another request to `curl http://fastapi-hello-world --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:`, `curl http://fastapi-hello-world/visitors --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:` will return `{"count":2}`. ## Tear things down We've reached the end of this tutorial. We have created a FastAPI application, deployed it locally, integrated it with a database and exposed it via ingress! If you'd like to reset your working environment, you can run the following in the root directory for the tutorial: ```bash # exit and delete the virtual environment deactivate rm -rf charm .venv __pycache__ # delete all the files created during the tutorial rm fastapi-hello-world_0.1_amd64.rock fastapi-hello-world_0.2_amd64.rock \ fastapi-hello-world_0.3_amd64.rock rockcraft.yaml app.py \ requirements.txt migrate.py # Remove the juju model juju destroy-model fastapi-hello-world --destroy-storage ``` If you created an instance using Multipass, you can also clean it up. Start by exiting it: ```bash exit ``` And then you can proceed with its deletion: ```bash multipass delete charm-dev multipass purge ``` ## Next steps By the end of this tutorial you will have built a charm and evolved it in a number of typical ways. But there is a lot more to explore: If you are wondering... | Visit... -|- "How do I...?" | {ref}`how-to-guides` "What is...?" | {ref}`reference`