Manage extensions

See also: Extensions

View all the available extensions

To view all the available Rockcraft / Charmcraft extensions, run the rockcraft list-extensions / charmcraft list-extensions command. For example:

$ charmcraft list-extensions
Extension name    Supported bases    Experimental bases
----------------  -----------------  --------------------
flask-framework                      [email protected]

View details about the extension in use

Suppose you’ve initialised a rock / charm with a profile that comes with an extension (currently, flask-framework), and your rockcraft.yaml / charmcraft.yaml > extensions lists this extension.

mkdir my-flask-app-k8s
cd my-flask-app-k8s/
charmcraft init --profile flask-framework
Charmed operator package file and directory tree initialised. Now edit the following package files to provide fundamental charm metadataand other information: charmcraft.yamlsrc/
ls -R
.:charmcraft.yaml  requirements.txt  src ./
cat charmcraft.yaml
name: my-flask-app-k8s

type: charm

  - build-on:
    - name: ubuntu
      channel: "22.04"
    - name: ubuntu
      channel: "22.04"

# (Required)
summary: A very short one-line summary of the flask application.

# (Required)
description: |
  A comprehensive overview of your Flask application.

  - flask-framework

# Uncomment the integrations used by your application
# requires:
#   mysql:
#     interface: mysql_client
#     limit: 1
#   postgresql:
#     interface: postgresql_client
#     limit: 1

To view details about what that extension is adding to your charm, set the CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS environment variable to 1, then run charmcraft expand-extensions. For example:

Expanding an extension
*EXPERIMENTAL* extension 'flask-framework' enabledname: my-flask-app-k8ssummary: A very short one-line summary of the flask application.description: |  A comprehensive overview of your Flask  charm:    source: .    charm-entrypoint: src/    charm-binary-python-packages: []    charm-python-packages: []    charm-requirements:    - requirements.txt    charm-strict-dependencies: false    plugin: charmtype: charmbases:- build-on:  - name: ubuntu    channel: '22.04'  run-on:  - name: ubuntu    channel: '22.04'actions:  rotate-secret-key:    description: Rotate the flask secret key. Users will be forced to log in again.      This might be useful if a security breach occurs.assumes:- k8s-apicontainers:  flask-app:    resource: flask-app-imagepeers:  secret-storage:    interface: secret-storageprovides:  metrics-endpoint:    interface: prometheus_scrape  grafana-dashboard:    interface: grafana_dashboardrequires:  logging:    interface: loki_push_api  ingress:    interface: ingress    limit: 1resources:  flask-app-image:    type: oci-image    description: flask application image.config:  options:    webserver-keepalive:      type: int      description: Time in seconds for webserver to wait for requests on a Keep-Alive        connection.    webserver-threads:      type: int      description: Run each webserver worker with the specified number of threads.    webserver-timeout:      type: int      description: Time in seconds to kill and restart silent webserver workers.    webserver-workers:      type: int      description: The number of webserver worker processes for handling requests.    flask-application-root:      type: string      description: Path in which the application / web server is mounted. This configuration        will set the FLASK_APPLICATION_ROOT environment variable. Run app.config.from_prefixed_env()        in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration.    flask-debug:      type: boolean      description: Whether Flask debug mode is enabled.    flask-env:      type: string      description: What environment the Flask app is running in, by default it's 'production'.    flask-permanent-session-lifetime:      type: int      description: Time in seconds for the cookie to expire in the Flask application        permanent sessions. This configuration will set the FLASK_PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME        environment variable. Run app.config.from_prefixed_env() in your Flask application        in order to receive this configuration.    flask-preferred-url-scheme:      type: string      default: HTTPS      description: Scheme for generating external URLs when not in a request context        in the Flask application. By default, it's "HTTPS". This configuration will        set the FLASK_PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME environment variable. Run app.config.from_prefixed_env()        in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration.    flask-secret-key:      type: string      description: The secret key used for securely signing the session cookie and        for any other security related needs by your Flask application. This configuration        will set the FLASK_SECRET_KEY environment variable. Run app.config.from_prefixed_env()        in your Flask application in order to receive this configuration.    flask-session-cookie-secure:      type: boolean      description: Set the secure attribute in the Flask application cookies. This        configuration will set the FLASK_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE environment variable.        Run app.config.from_prefixed_env() in your Flask application in order to        receive this configuration.