.. _pack-a-reactive-charm-with-charmcraft: How to pack a reactive charm with Charmcraft ================================================== Introduced in Charmcraft 1.4. .. See also: - .. {ref}\ ``How to set up a charm project `` .. - .. {ref}\ ``How to pack your charm using Charmcraft `` .. - {ref}\ ``About charm types, by creation type `` To pack a legacy reactive charm with Charmcraft, in the charm directory create a ``charmcraft.yaml`` file with the part definition for a reactive-based charm: .. code-block:: yaml type: "charm" bases: - build-on: - name: "ubuntu" channel: "20.04" run-on: - name: "ubuntu" channel: "20.04" parts: charm: source: . plugin: reactive build-snaps: [charm] Done. Now you can go ahead and pack your reactive-based charm with Charmcraft in the usual way using ``charmcraft pack``.