Use a 12-factor app charm

(If your charm is a Django charm) Create an admin user

Use the create-superuser action to create a new Django admin account:

juju run <app name> create-superuser username=<username> email=<email>

(If your workload depends on a database) Migrate the database

If your app depends on a database, it is common to run a database migration script before app startup which, for example, creates or modifies tables. This can be done by including the script in the root of your project. It will be executed with the same environment variables and context as the 12-factor app.

If the migration script fails, it will retry upon update-status. The migration script will run on every unit. The script is assumed to be idempotent (in other words, can be run multiple times) and that it can be run on multiple units simultaneously without issue. Handling multiple migration scripts that run concurrently can be achieved by, for example, locking any tables during the migration.