Write your first Kubernetes charm for a FastAPI app

Imagine you have a FastAPI app backed up by a database such as PostgreSQL and need to deploy it. In a traditional setup, this can be quite a challenge, but with Charmcraft you’ll find yourself packaging and deploying your FastAPI app in no time.

In this tutorial we will build a Kubernetes charm for a FastAPI app using Charmcraft, so we can have a FastAPI app up and running with Juju. Let’s get started!

This tutorial should take 90 minutes for you to complete.


If you’re new to the charming world, FastAPI apps are specifically supported with a template to quickly generate a rock and a matching template to generate a charm. A rock is a special kind of OCI-compliant container image, while a charm is a software operator for cloud operations that use the Juju orchestration engine. The result is a FastAPI app that can be easily deployed, configured, scaled, integrated, etc., on any Kubernetes cluster.

What you’ll need

  • A local system, e.g., a laptop, with AMD64 or ARM64 architecture which has sufficient resources to launch a virtual machine with 4 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, and a 50 GB disk.

  • Familiarity with Linux.

What you’ll do

  1. Create a FastAPI app.

  2. Use that to create a rock with Rockcraft.

  3. Use that to create a charm with Charmcraft.

  4. Use that to test, deploy, configure, etc., your FastAPI app on a local Kubernetes cloud with Juju.

  5. Repeat the process, mimicking a real development process.


Should you get stuck or notice issues, please get in touch on Matrix or Discourse

Set things up


This tutorial requires version 3.2.0 or later of Charmcraft. Check the version of Charmcraft using charmcraft --version.

First, install Multipass.

Use Multipass to launch an Ubuntu VM with the name charm-dev from the 24.04 blueprint:

multipass launch --cpus 4 --disk 50G --memory 4G --name charm-dev 24.04

Once the VM is up, open a shell into it:

multipass shell charm-dev

In order to create the rock, you need to install Rockcraft with classic confinement, which grants it access to the whole file system:

sudo snap install rockcraft --classic

LXD will be required for building the rock. Make sure it is installed and initialized:

lxd --version
lxd init --auto

If LXD is not installed, install it with sudo snap install lxd.

In order to create the charm, you’ll need to install Charmcraft:

sudo snap install charmcraft --channel latest/edge --classic

MicroK8s is required to deploy the FastAPI application on Kubernetes. Let’s install MicroK8s using the 1.31-strict/stable track:

sudo snap install microk8s --channel 1.31-strict/stable
sudo adduser $USER snap_microk8s
newgrp snap_microk8s

Several MicroK8s add-ons are required for deployment:

# Required for Juju to provide storage volumes
sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage
# Required to host the OCI image of the application
sudo microk8s enable registry
# Required to expose the application
sudo microk8s enable ingress

Check the status of MicroK8s:

sudo microk8s status --wait-ready

If successful, the terminal will output microk8s is running along with a list of enabled and disabled add-ons.

Juju is required to deploy the FastAPI application. Install Juju using the 3.6/stable track, and bootstrap a development controller:

sudo snap install juju --channel 3.6/stable
mkdir -p ~/.local/share
juju bootstrap microk8s dev-controller

It could take a few minutes to download the images.

Let’s create a directory for this tutorial and enter into it:

mkdir fastapi-hello-world
cd fastapi-hello-world

Finally, install python-venv and create a virtual environment:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-venv -y
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Create the FastAPI app

Start by creating the “Hello, world” FastAPI app that will be used for this tutorial.

Create a requirements.txt file using touch requirements.txt. Then, open the file in a text editor using nano requirements.txt, copy the following text into it and then save the file:



The psycopg2-binary package is needed so the FastAPI app can connect to PostgreSQL.

Install the packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

In the same directory, create a file called app.py. Then copy and save the following code into the file:

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

Run the FastAPI app locally

Now that we have a virtual environment with all the dependencies, let’s run the FastAPI app to verify that it works:

fastapi dev app.py --port 8080

Test the FastAPI app by using curl to send a request to the root endpoint. You will need a new terminal for this; use multipass shell charm-dev to open a new terminal in Multipass:

curl localhost:8080

The FastAPI app should respond with {"message":"Hello World"}.

The FastAPI app looks good, so we can stop for now from the original terminal using Ctrl + C.

Pack the FastAPI app into a rock

First, we’ll need a rockcraft.yaml file. Using the fastapi-framework profile, Rockcraft will automate the creation of rockcraft.yaml and tailor the file for a FastAPI app. From the ~/fastapi-hello-world directory, initialize the rock:

rockcraft init --profile fastapi-framework

The rockcraft.yaml file will be automatically created, with the name being set based on your working directory.

Check out the contents of rockcraft.yaml:

cat rockcraft.yaml

The top of the file should look similar to the following snippet:

name: fastapi-hello-world
# see https://documentation.ubuntu.com/rockcraft/en/latest/explanation/bases/
# for more information about bases and using 'bare' bases for chiselled rocks
base: [email protected] # the base environment for this FastAPI app
version: '0.1' # just for humans. Semantic versioning is recommended
summary: A summary of your FastAPI app # 79 char long summary
description: |
    This is fastapi project's description. You have a paragraph or two to tell the
    most important story about it. Keep it under 100 words though,
    we live in tweetspace and your description wants to look good in the
    container registries out there.
# the platforms this rock should be built on and run on.
# you can check your architecture with `dpkg --print-architecture`
    # arm64:
    # ppc64el:
    # s390x:

Verify that the name is fastapi-hello-world.

Ensure that platforms includes the architecture of your host. Check the architecture of your system:

dpkg --print-architecture

If your host uses the ARM architecture, open rockcraft.yaml in a text editor and include arm64 in platforms.

Now let’s pack the rock:



ROCKCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS is required while the FastAPI extension is experimental.

Depending on your system and network, this step can take several minutes to finish.

Once Rockcraft has finished packing the FastAPI rock, the terminal will respond with something similar to Packed fastapi-hello-world_0.1_amd64.rock.


If you aren’t on AMD64 architecture, the name of the .rock file will be different for you.

The rock needs to be copied to the MicroK8s registry, which stores OCI archives so they can be downloaded and deployed in the Kubernetes cluster. Copy the rock:

rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \
  oci-archive:fastapi-hello-world_0.1_$(dpkg --print-architecture).rock \

Create the charm

From the ~/fastapi-hello-world directory, let’s create a new directory for the charm and change inside it:

mkdir charm
cd charm

Using the fastapi-framework profile, Charmcraft will automate the creation of the files needed for our charm, including a charmcraft.yaml, requirements.txt and source code for the charm. The source code contains the logic required to operate the FastAPI app.

Initialize a charm named fastapi-hello-world:

charmcraft init --profile fastapi-framework --name fastapi-hello-world

The files will automatically be created in your working directory.

Check out the contents of charmcraft.yaml:

cat charmcraft.yaml

The top of the file should look similar to the following snippet:

# This file configures Charmcraft.
# See https://juju.is/docs/sdk/charmcraft-config for guidance.

name: fastapi-hello-world

type: charm

base: [email protected]

# the platforms this charm should be built on and run on.
# you can check your architecture with `dpkg --print-architecture`
  # arm64:
  # ppc64el:
  # s390x:

# (Required)
summary: A very short one-line summary of the FastAPI app.


Verify that the name is fastapi-hello-world. Ensure that platforms includes the architecture of your host. If your host uses the ARM architecture, open charmcraft.yaml in a text editor and include arm64 in platforms.

Let’s pack the charm:



CHARMCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS is required while the FastAPI extension is experimental.

Depending on your system and network, this step may take several minutes to finish.

Once Charmcraft has finished packing the charm, the terminal will respond with something similar to Packed fastapi-hello-world_ubuntu-24.04-amd64.charm.


If you aren’t on AMD64 architecture, the name of the .charm file will be different for you.

Deploy the FastAPI app

A Juju model is needed to handle Kubernetes resources while deploying the FastAPI app. Let’s create a new model:

juju add-model fastapi-hello-world

If you aren’t on a host with the AMD64 architecture, you will need to include a constraint to the Juju model to specify your architecture.

Set the Juju model constraints with:

juju set-model-constraints \
  -m fastapi-hello-world arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)

Now let’s use the OCI image we previously uploaded to deploy the FastAPI app. Deploy using Juju by specifying the OCI image name with the --resource option:

juju deploy \
  ./fastapi-hello-world_$(dpkg --print-architecture).charm \
  fastapi-hello-world --resource \

It will take a few minutes to deploy the FastAPI app. You can monitor its progress with:

juju status --watch 2s

It can take a couple of minutes for the app to finish the deployment. Once the status of the App has gone to active, you can stop watching using Ctrl + C.

See also

See more: Juju | juju status

The FastAPI app should now be running. We can monitor the status of the deployment using juju status, which should be similar to the following output:

user@host:~$ juju status
Model                Controller      Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestampfastapi-hello-world  dev-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.6.2    unsupported  13:45:18+10:00 App                  Version  Status  Scale  Charm                Channel  Rev  Address        Exposed  Messagefastapi-hello-world           active      1  fastapi-hello-world             0  no Unit                    Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Messagefastapi-hello-world/0*  active    idle

Let’s expose the app using ingress. Deploy the nginx-ingress-integrator charm and integrate it with the FastAPI app:

juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator --channel=latest/stable --trust
juju integrate nginx-ingress-integrator fastapi-hello-world

The hostname of the app needs to be defined so that it is accessible via the ingress. We will also set the default route to be the root endpoint:

juju config nginx-ingress-integrator \
  service-hostname=fastapi-hello-world path-routes=/

Monitor juju status until everything has a status of active.

Test the deployment using curl http://fastapi-hello-world --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80: to send a request via the ingress. It should return the {"message":"Hello World"} greeting.


The --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80: option to the curl command is a way of resolving the hostname of the request without setting a DNS record.

Configure the FastAPI app

To demonstrate how to provide a configuration to the FastAPI app, we will make the greeting configurable. We will expect this configuration option to be available in the FastAPI app configuration under the keyword APP_GREETING. Change back to the ~/fastapi-hello-world directory using cd .. and copy the following code into app.py:

import os

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def root():
    return {"message": os.getenv("APP_GREETING", "Hello World")}

Increment the version in rockcraft.yaml to 0.2 such that the top of the rockcraft.yaml file looks similar to the following:

name: fastapi-hello-world
# see https://documentation.ubuntu.com/rockcraft/en/latest/explanation/bases/
# for more information about bases and using 'bare' bases for chiselled rocks
base: [email protected] # the base environment for this FastAPI app
version: '0.2' # just for humans. Semantic versioning is recommended
summary: A summary of your FastAPI app # 79 char long summary
description: |
    This is fastapi project's description. You have a paragraph or two to tell the
    most important story about it. Keep it under 100 words though,
    we live in tweetspace and your description wants to look good in the
    container registries out there.
# the platforms this rock should be built on and run on.
# you can check your architecture with `dpkg --print-architecture`
    # arm64:
    # ppc64el:
    # s390x:

Let’s pack and upload the rock:

rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \
  oci-archive:fastapi-hello-world_0.2_$(dpkg --print-architecture).rock \

Change back into the charm directory using cd charm.

The fastapi-framework Charmcraft extension supports adding configurations to charmcraft.yaml which will be passed as environment variables to the FastAPI app. Add the following to the end of the charmcraft.yaml file:

# configuration snippet for FastAPI application

      description: |
        The greeting to be returned by the FastAPI application.
      default: "Hello, world!"
      type: string


Configuration options are automatically capitalized and - are replaced by _. An APP_ prefix will also be added as a namespace for app configurations.

We can now pack and deploy the new version of the FastAPI app:

juju refresh fastapi-hello-world \
  --path=./fastapi-hello-world_$(dpkg --print-architecture).charm \
  --resource app-image=localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.2

After we wait for a bit monitoring juju status the app should go back to active again. Verify that the new configuration has been added using juju config fastapi-hello-world | grep -A 6 greeting: which should show the configuration option.

Using curl http://fastapi-hello-world  --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80: shows that the response is still {"message":"Hello, world!"} as expected.

Now let’s change the greeting:

juju config fastapi-hello-world greeting='Hi!'

After we wait for a moment for the app to be restarted, using curl http://fastapi-hello-world  --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80: should now return the updated {"message":"Hi!"} greeting.

Integrate with a database

Now let’s keep track of how many visitors your app has received. This will require integration with a database to keep the visitor count. This will require a few changes:

  • We will need to create a database migration that creates the visitors table.

  • We will need to keep track of how many times the root endpoint has been called in the database.

  • We will need to add a new endpoint to retrieve the number of visitors from the database.

Let’s start with the database migration to create the required tables. The charm created by the fastapi-framework extension will execute the migrate.py script if it exists. This script should ensure that the database is initialized and ready to be used by the app. We will create a migrate.py file containing this logic.

Go back out to the ~/fastapi-hello-world directory using cd .., create the migrate.py file, open the file using a text editor and paste the following code into it:

# Adds database to FastAPI application

import os

import psycopg2


def migrate():
    with psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URI) as conn, conn.cursor() as cur:
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS visitors (
                timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
                user_agent TEXT NOT NULL

if __name__ == "__main__":


The charm will pass the Database connection string in the POSTGRESQL_DB_CONNECT_STRING environment variable once postgres has been integrated with the charm.

Increment the version in rockcraft.yaml to 0.3 such that the top of the rockcraft.yaml file looks similar to the following:

name: fastapi-hello-world
# see https://documentation.ubuntu.com/rockcraft/en/latest/explanation/bases/
# for more information about bases and using 'bare' bases for chiselled rocks
base: [email protected] # the base environment for this FastAPI app
version: '0.3' # just for humans. Semantic versioning is recommended
summary: A summary of your FastAPI app # 79 char long summary
description: |
    This is fastapi project's description. You have a paragraph or two to tell the
    most important story about it. Keep it under 100 words though,
    we live in tweetspace and your description wants to look good in the
    container registries out there.
# the platforms this rock should be built on and run on.
# you can check your architecture with `dpkg --print-architecture`
    # arm64:
    # ppc64el:
    # s390x:

The app code also needs to be updated to keep track of the number of visitors and to include a new endpoint to retrieve the number of visitors to the app. Open app.py in a text editor and replace its contents with the following code:

# FastAPI application that keeps track of visitors using a database

import datetime
import os
from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import FastAPI, Header
import psycopg2

app = FastAPI()

async def root(user_agent: Annotated[str | None, Header()] = None):
    with psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URI) as conn, conn.cursor() as cur:
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()

            "INSERT INTO visitors (timestamp, user_agent) VALUES (%s, %s)",
            (timestamp, user_agent)

    return {"message": os.getenv("APP_GREETING", "Hello World")}

async def visitors():
    with psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URI) as conn, conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visitors")
        total_visitors = cur.fetchone()[0]

    return {"count": total_visitors}

Let’s pack and upload the rock:

rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \
  oci-archive:fastapi-hello-world_0.3_$(dpkg --print-architecture).rock \

Change back into the charm directory using cd charm.

The FastAPI app now requires a database which needs to be declared in the charmcraft.yaml file. Open charmcraft.yaml in a text editor and add the following section to the end:

# requires snippet for FastAPI application with a database

    interface: postgresql_client
    optional: false

We can now pack and deploy the new version of the FastAPI app:

juju refresh fastapi-hello-world \
  --path=./fastapi-hello-world_$(dpkg --print-architecture).charm \
  --resource app-image=localhost:32000/fastapi-hello-world:0.3

Now let’s deploy PostgreSQL and integrate it with the FastAPI app:

juju deploy postgresql-k8s --trust
juju integrate fastapi-hello-world postgresql-k8s

Wait for juju status to show that the App is active again. Running curl http://fastapi-hello-world  --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80: should still return the {"message":"Hi!"} greeting.

To check the local visitors, use curl http://fastapi-hello-world/visitors --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:, which should return {"count":1} after the previous request to the root endpoint. This should be incremented each time the root endpoint is requested. If we repeat this process, the output should be as follows:

user@host:~$ curl http://fastapi-hello-world  --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:
user@host:~$ curl http://fastapi-hello-world/visitors  --resolve fastapi-hello-world:80:

Tear things down

We’ve reached the end of this tutorial. We went through the entire development process, including:

  • Creating a FastAPI app

  • Deploying the app locally

  • Packaging the app using Rockcraft

  • Building the app with Ops code using Charmcraft

  • Deplyoing the app using Juju

  • Exposing the app using an ingress

  • Configuring the app

  • Integrating the app with a database

If you’d like to reset your working environment, you can run the following in the rock directory ~/fastapi-hello-world for the tutorial:

# Back out to main directory for cleanup
cd ..
# exit and delete the virtual environment
rm -rf charm .venv __pycache__
# delete all the files created during the tutorial
rm fastapi-hello-world_0.1_$(dpkg --print-architecture).rock \
  fastapi-hello-world_0.2_$(dpkg --print-architecture).rock \
  fastapi-hello-world_0.3_$(dpkg --print-architecture).rock \
  rockcraft.yaml app.py requirements.txt migrate.py
# Remove the juju model
juju destroy-model fastapi-hello-world --destroy-storage --no-prompt --force

You can also clean up your Multipass instance. Start by exiting it:


You can then proceed with its deletion:

multipass delete charm-dev
multipass purge

Next steps

By the end of this tutorial, you will have built a charm and evolved it in a number of typical ways, but there is a lot more to explore:

If you are wondering…


“How do I…?”

How-to guides, Ops | How-to guides

“How do I debug?”

Charm debugging tools

“How do I get in touch?”

Matrix channel

“What is…?”

Reference, Ops | Reference, Juju | Reference

“Why…?”, “So what?”

Ops | Explanation, Juju | Explanation