Step execution environment

Craft-parts defines the following environment for use during step processing and execution of user-defined scriptlets:

  • CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET: The the machine-vendor-os platform triplet definition.

  • CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH: The architecture we’re building for.

  • CRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT: The maximum number of concurrent build jobs to execute.

  • CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR: The path to the current project’s subtree in the filesystem.

  • CRAFT_PART_NAME: The name of the part currently being processed.

  • CRAFT_PART_SRC: The path to the part source directory. This is where sources are located after the PULL step.

  • CRAFT_PART_SRC_WORK: The path to the part source subdirectory, if any. Defaults to the part source directory.

  • CRAFT_PART_BUILD: The path to the part build directory. This is where parts are built during the BUILD step.

  • CRAFT_PART_BUILD_WORK: The path to the part build subdirectory in case of out-of-tree builds. Defaults to the part source directory.

  • CRAFT_PART_INSTALL: The path to the part install directory. This is where built artefacts are installed after the BUILD step.

  • CRAFT_OVERLAY: The path to the part’s layer directory during the OVERLAY step if overlays are enabled.

  • CRAFT_STAGE: The path to the project’s staging directory. This is where installed artefacts are migrated after the STAGE step.

  • CRAFT_PRIME: The path to the final primed payload directory after the PRIME step.