Manage channels

Create a channel

When you register a name on Charmhub, that automatically creates 4 channels, all with track latest but with different risk levels, namely, edge, beta, candidate, stable, respectively.

View the available channels

To view a charm’s channels on Charmhub, run charmcraft status followed by the name of the charm. E.g.,

charmcraft status my-awesome-charm

The following output shows four channels, all of which have the same track, latest, but different risk levels, namely, edge, beta, candidate, and stable.

Track    Channel    Version    Revision latest   stable     -          -          candidate  -          -          beta       0.1        1          edge                 See more: :ref:`ref_commands_status`

Customise a channel’s track

You can request a track guardrail and create a track.

See more: Manage tracks

Open a channel

A channel is opened implicitly when you release a revision to it.

Close a channel

A channel is opened when you release a revision to that channel. Before that, the channel is created but not opened. When you’re closing a channel, e.g., latest/candidate, that means that any deployment requests that go there will be forwarded to the next most stable risk, e.g., for beta, latest/stable. If you close stable, you can no longer deploy or update from that, unless you release again to that channel (because releasing opens the channel).

If you add a branch, closing that branch will forward people to the same track and risk, without a branch.