
Fetch charm libraries defined in charmcraft.yaml.

For each library in the top-level charm-libs key, fetch the latest library version matching those requirements.

For example:

# Fetch lib with API version 0.
# If `fetch-libs` is run and a newer minor version is available,
# it will be fetched from the store.
- lib: postgresql.postgres_client
  version: "0"
# Always fetch precisely version 0.57.
- lib: mysql.client
  version: "0.57"


charmcraft fetch-libs [options]



Produce the result in the specified format (currently only ‘json’).

Global options

-h or --help

Show this help message and exit.

-q or --quiet

Only show warnings and errors, not progress.

-v or --verbose

Show debug information and be more verbose.


Set the verbosity level to ‘quiet’, ‘brief’, ‘verbose’, ‘debug’ or ‘trace’.

-V or --version

Show the application version and exit.